Wittgenstein And Turing Juliet Floyd Phd 6o Congresso Da Sbfa

Presented on September 2nd, 2020, on the Sixth Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Analytical Philosophy.

The Brazilian Society for Analytical Philosophy gathers researchers, philosophers and students at different stages of their carreers, being a part of a world-wide network of societies for analytical philosophy. With the creation of forums, it fosters argumentative debates and promotes the making of concepts and theories that dialogue with current sciences and society.

Since 2008, It congregates people interested in a line of philosophic investigation that embrace diverse contemporary tendencies of thought, connected by a special attention to language and to the nurturing of good argumentation. It promotes intelectual dialogue and joint professional agency. It's best defined by a way of making philosophy than by some thematic preference. Members of the society make an annual contribution to fund a bienal event and the maintenance of access channels.

The sixth SBFA Congress: "Analytical Philosophy in the 21st Century: New Developments" took place from September 1st to September 5th 2020 in a virtual environment, with 84 speakers, including talks and presentations.

For further information regarding affiliation, access: sites.google.com/view/sbfa-sbpha/a-sbfa

A philosophical reconstruction of the mutual impact of Wittgenstein and Turing upon one another. Recognizeably Wittgensteinian features of Turing’s diagonal argumentation and machine-model of human computation in “On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem” (1936/7) and his argumentation in “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (1950) are drawn out, emphasizing the anti-psychologistic, ordinary language and intersubjectivist elements of Turing’s conception. These were indebted, on my story, to exposure to Wittgenstein’s lectures and dictations. Next Wittgenstein’s manuscripts on the foundations of mathematics 1934-1942 are interpreted in light of the impact of Turing’s analysis of logic upon them. Themes will include the emergence of rule-following issues, the notion of Lebensform, and anti-psychologism.

  • Wittgenstein and Turing - Juliet Floyd, PhD | 6º Congresso da SBFA ( Download)
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