International May Day Online Rally 2021

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00:00 The rally is about to begin
00:40 Intro by Joseph Kishore, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US)
03:56 David North, national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US) and chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site
37:25 Christoph Vandreier, deputy national secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Germany)
47:51 Nick Beams, leading member of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)
01:00:43 Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
01:09:54 Thomas Scripps, assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
01:19:45 Alex Lantier, national secretary of the Parti de l'Egalité Socialiste (France)
01:34:50 Ulaş Atesçi, leading member of Sosyalist Eşitlik (Socialist Equality Group of Turkey)
01:46:30 Tomas Castanheira, leading member of Grupo Socialista pela Igualdade (Socialist Equality Group of Brazil)
01:57:25 Deepal Jayasekera, assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)
02:08:18 Keith Jones, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Canada)
02:20:26 M Thevarajah, leading member of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)
02:32:08 Cheryl Crisp, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)
02:42:06 Tom Peters, leading member of the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand)
02:50:59 Peter Symonds, World Socialist Web Site Australia national editor
03:00:22 Conclusion by Joseph Kishore

International Committee of the Fourth International

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