An Electrical Path To Grand Unification Wallace Thornhill Electric Universe

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Physicists have been seeking a grand unifying theory for as long as they've known that the very large and the very small don't properly fit into Newton's equations. Wal Thornhill, the Chief Advisor for the Thunderbolts Project, has spent his life working on an electrical solution to this problem, and is here to give an overview of what he's found. We start with how, as a young man, he was inspired by the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, we get him to sketch out the foundational concepts for how everything can be described through the lens of electricity, and talk about resistance in the sciences to truly radical ideas. Check out the books mentioned in the podcast down below.

Books mentioned:
Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovksy:
The Big Bang Never Happened, Eric Lerner:
The Interconnected Cosmos, Don Scott:
Constructing Quarks: A Sociological History of Particle Physics, Andrew Pickering:

#electricuniverse #thunderbolts #physics

00:00 Go!
00:03:27 How did Velikovskian Catastrophism inform your ideas?
00:07:06 What got in the way of wider acceptance of Velikovsky's theories?
00:10:16 Where does the certainty about catastrophism come from?
00:13:52 Sholtz's star - evidence for recent catastrophe?
00:18:03 Cultural resistance to an electricity-first theory of physics
00:23:44 What's going on with the SAFIRE project?
00:36:47 What is the Electric Sun model?
00:43:09 Does the Electric Universe unseat gravity?
00:44:03 Why does the Electric Universe theory maintain some particles but not others?
00:48:42 Why do these particles orbit one another?
00:54:26 How does this theory affect radioactive elements inside the Earth?
01:03:10 What's the relationship between Math and Science?
01:14:02 What's at the bottom of the EU? Is it a field theory?
01:17:44 How does nucleosynthesis happen?
01:20:40 If scientists want to win Nobel prizes, why is it so hard for new ideas to win?
01:35:49 How does the EU account for the lack of evidence for a Velikovskian catastrophe?

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PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying microbial communication at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting and exploring the woods. Michael Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.

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-Shilo Delay:

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